Wanna be part of my art project?

13 Oct

Say yes!

I need photos of modded people for portrait paintings. I’m especially short on heavily modded people, but everyones appreciated. All sorts of mods; obvious things like tats and piercings, but also people like drag queens and plastic surgery too.

Its a massive ongoing project, and rather ambitious. I ran out of friends already, lol.

I need a straight-on-ish head&shoulders, fairly well lit photo. Pulling whatever face/pose you feel suits you, since its about personality and stuff, and poses need to be self-directed.
Pretty simple really
Dress up, gurn, smiley face, angry frown… whatever you like (one of my friends has a sombrero and moustache in theirs, lol) Just keep some mods visible and shoulders straight on (tilting heads is fine!).

Anyone wanting to help out would be deemed forever awesome. And of course I shall show the finished results!

Vertical labret diary

8 Oct


Day 3


Pierced on 06/10/10

I was suposed to get it pierced the week before, but due to a sudden craze of rook piercings due to a band I thought only 10yos liked getting one on some TV show.. Curved barbells were in short supply.

Day 1 Sharp pain! Most painful piercing I’ve and in a while (and slowest, but its better than being wonky). I could feel te needle in the middle of my lip trying to break out. Weird. But nothing awful, and no blood.

Day 2 I can drink, but any cup with a wide rim, straws are much easier. Can’t really bite bits off big bits of food. And I make a bit of  mess eating and drinking. Can’t lick my lips clean like  normal. A little swollen, nothing huge. I either have blood smeared on my lips, or hot chocolate, can’t decide.

Day 3 Dry lips! Almost to the point of painful, the piercing doesn’t hurt though. Not sure if lip balm is a good move or not. The driest part is around the piercing, I don’t want to get lip balm in it and piss it off. Decided it was hot chocolate 🙂

13/10/10 A week later. The dry lips are just starting to sort themsleves out, and the swellings all gone. Theres some hard scar tissue in my lip, but that should sort itself out. Changed the bottom ball to 2mm, probably a little smaller than I want, but it hasn’t caused any problem. Might’ve sunk if it were in the top. Pout for drinking, grimace for biting food, avoid bashing the top ball. This’ll probably be a very uninteresting diary now

16/10/10 I had a crusty!! Just the one, and few days ago now. I think thats pretty much it now, lol.

Belated cheek piercing diary

6 Oct

I had my cheeks pierced on the 28th December 2009, and had the full intent of posting a diary. That idea kinda died. But I’ll post it up anyways.

Few emails about cheeks piercing, horrific healing, jewellery etc. Going for PTFE with PTFE balls on the inside, bit worried about my massive broken tooth; don’t want to break it again.


Day 0 - that evening, already swelling


Day 00 (28.12.09)
So after some faffing around, I ended up going for metal barbells with metal balls, as opposed to the planned PTFE. I’ll just have to careful. His supplier is closed from Christmas till after New Year, neither of us was banking on that. (He’s also nearly out of needles). Free downsizes, and I don’t mind seeing him a few extra times *wink*. Hurt quite a bit, but not horrific. Feels awkward, hard to smile. I look pretty damn ridiculous, they look about 10mm too long, but I’m sure I’ll make use of the extra space.
Got new mouthwash, new saline, and a whole lot of ibuprofen. I’m going to be dosed up on the latter for a while I think… The prospect of healing is a bit intimidating. The piercer’s story of his ex’s embedded cheek piercing (that he didn’t do), really isn’t helping.
A few hours later, and I’m swelling already. Feels like I have permanent lockjaw. No sign of blood at all, even during piercing, which is unusual for me. Easier to chew than I thought, just has to be small bites. I’m sure I’ll regret my choice of chicken tomorrow.
Phone calls are in the way, and I’m pretty sure sleeping will be too. Can’t sleep on my side, or my face. Sleeping on my back makes me snore something rotten. Fun.

Day 1 (29.12)
I could sleep on my side, which is good. But I woke up a lot. Its gone from lockjaw pain, to I’ve-smiled-so-much-it-actually-really-hurts, horrible sort of ache. But not too painful. Swollen up well though. Got about 4mm left on one side, 2mm on the other. Can smile okay though, but no kissy faces.


Day 2 - swelling makes for hilarious photos and a mardy Stasha


Day 2 (30.12)
Still swollen. Changed the 5mm outside ball to a 4mm one, was pretty easy to do. I know its naughty, but now I feel much better. Still can’t open my mouth very wide. Discovered I have to hold onto the end ball while I eat large things, otherwise I chomp cheek. I’m pretty sure that’s just the swellingt; it was fine Monday. Woke myself up by leaning on my face last night, couldn’t get back to sleep. The aching has died down a lot though. Although looking swollen on the outside, they’re probably more so on the inside.

So far, it doesn’t seem like healing is going to be too terrible. Just minor inconveniences, and dealing with looking like a twat. But I got my first crusty on them today, so that part could be fun.

Its New Years Eve, no going out for me tonight >.<

Starting to get quite red. Saline seems to be drying out the skin, combined with drying crusties, is making for cracked skin. Cut down to once a day, and a chammomile soak, Rinsing with warm water in between to try and control the epic crusties. Annoyingly, cause the swelling is going down I have extra room for the bars to move around. Causing the bars to upset the crusties, and more to form, yadda yadda..
I’m bored of having a crusty swollen face now!


All the swelling seems to of gone now, at least that I can notice. Went back for a measure up last week, and had the PTFE cut down, and proper fitting bars ordered. 16mm labrets fitted  for me today 🙂 Some notable hypertrophic scarring. It settles down, but flares back up.


July - Horrible picture of me... But look, squishy bump! (at its worse before it tends to explode XD Ignore the other sides floating ball, I was halfway through changing jewellery) I really need to redo my hair...



I updated a lot didn’t I?  After previously having tried to downsize to 14mm months ago, and failed (too much scar tissue, and they just got sore and tried to embed), today I discovered 14mm fit perfectly. Now I just need to find some more internally threaded labrets..

Now that all the swelling and most of the scarring has gone, I have pretty perfect, though still rather subtle dimples.

I still get the mystery discharge filled hypertrophic scarring. Pretty!! Nothing I do seems to help much; cammomile, TTO, SSSs, aspirin masks.. nothing. The right side seems to of stopped it completelyall of its own accord. But the left still does it once a month or so. By the time its settled down, it just starts again. Not even 8 months old yet, so I’m still going with lots of patience and hope that it will just cease like the right side.


No bumps since having changed to 14mm labrets. I am hopeful! Though totally not holding my breath. Found me some Neometal 2mm x 14mm IT labrets. Might stretch them. Think that might help….


Stretched my cheeks, now 2mm(12g) x 14mm titanium internally threaded bars, with a disc on one end. Bought 12mm length ones too, but they are too small. Afraid 2.5mm ends would get pulled through, so I have 4mm pretty AB balls on the end. Wish they made 3mm IT ends D:

The actual stretching was super easy with a taper and lube, straight through.  Although I’ve been wearing my quartz retainers a lot lately, and haven’t had any problems, hopefully the larger gauge will sort out any last issues… We shall see.