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Conches, corsets and.. content[?]

18 Aug

My 5mm punch is waiting for me 🙂

My conch punch has arrived!! Expect photos of me looking like I’ve been shot in the back of the head soon 🙂 I’ve been watching youtube videos, that was a mistake.. some are horrific! Some cry, some look dazed, some bleed LOTS!  5mm, (my other conch is 4mm, so I shall stretch it to match) Was debating 6mm, but my other was really easy to stretch until it hit 4mm, so I figure this won’t be too hard to stretch a little larger if I decide to. Looking at the punch, it looks pretty small, but I’m betting I won’t be thinking that when I get there. Nearly convinced friend to come take pictures. Although she refuses to watch, she’ll document the aftermath. A bus trip with my head bleeding could be fun!

Crapping myself, but very very excited >.<

Today I changed corset. To my harder to lace properly one, even though its more flexibe and larger, its somehow more difficult? Changed the lacing over, which helps a little, but its still stubborn. Just under 30″ today, still measuring on top of the corset.

Also, I like this new wordpress feature that gives you suggested content. Though I very much doubt I’ll use the links and blogs, the suggested pictures should come in very useful!

Corset Hiatus

17 Aug
Good Sense Corset Waists

Image via Wikipedia

Soo.. after my annual summer corsetting hiatus, I broke out my corset last night, thinking it had been cool enough (and rainy) for a few weeks to not melt. And so I wake up today.. to massive sun and humidity. Great. Just the three layers today then!

Today my waist is 30.5″ corsetted. My natural waist is a fair bit smaller, but corsets are pretty thick, and its not done too tight so I can get accustomed to it again.  Ugh.. so far to go again. I’ve put on weight and an inch or two this summer too 😦

My FGM 24 corset has yet to arrive. Still. They sent on the rest of my order a few weeks ago, with a little apology postcard saying they’d send it when they got it. I am sad.. It will be pretty when I get there though. And it is a pretty postcard

I’d really like to get to 22″ corset closed this year. Not sure I will though, without a serious waspie (probably custom). Childbearing hips, and a pigeon breast are a bit of a family thing…

I am hopefully[!] going to keep a daily/weekly/monthly record of how I go. It might be interesting. Or not. It probably won’t be too accurate, some of my corsets are thinner or more flexible than others. Overbusts cinch my waist more easily (without guillotining my chest/hips), but they also move my boobs up to my chin. Not a daily sort of look!!


2 Jun

I am moneyless, but still window shopping through the internet. The boyfriend isn’t exactly in my good books and I feel a bit sick, so it cheers me up.

First up, this corset from blue banana. Their quality isn’t normally the greatest, but it looks nice, and is only £20. The website is rubbish so I’d probably need to try it on though… (links broke)

Next is this quite long underbust corset £155 from FairyGothMother, custom made, and measured. I pretty much want the whole website, but that particular one is probably the most wearable for me. I also really really like the polka dot trim underbust corset, as it has pretty good hip control, which I could really do with. And I prefer underbusts, as my small boobs just tend to look a bit silly in overbust ones.

I’d love to get into tight-lacing, but at the moment I’m much to poor for it. Though I am experimenting a bit with trying to make my own, the maths is rather difficult…

In piercing related things, I’ve ordered some plugs to tape up with, but They’ll probably be ages. I sen the boyfriend to buy my a 16mm plug/tunnel yesterday, “anything but acrylic” I said. He came back with a 15mm acrylic plug, but it is rather cute and has a BCR in it. Bless him, he did try.

I’m also doing waiting for a painting at the moment. I might post it up once its dry, and I’ve decided whether or not I like it. Its a day of wandering aimless around the internet. If I find anything else cool I might post again today.